Guide on Effective Public Consultation Processes for People with Psychosocial Disabilities

Mental Health Reform has developed a guide to provide advice and information on how to consult effectively and inclusively with people with psychosocial disabilities. It is written to ensure that consultation processes by public services are as accessible and inclusive as possible for people who have lived experience of psychosocial disabilities.

People who have long-term mental health difficulties have rights under the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD). The term used by the UN to describe people living with long-standing mental health difficulties is “psychosocial disabilities”. Psychosocial disability refers to the functional impact or barriers that those living with mental health difficulties experience every day.

This guide is aimed at government departments, statutory agencies and organisations in the public sector who conduct consultations. This includes organisations delivering services in health, education, defence conservation, economics and policing as well as local authorities.

The guide offers practical information on the different phases of a public consultation process from the planning and design stages to implementation and evaluation.

By incorporating the tips and recommendations in this guide, organisations are signalling their intent to deliver more authentic public consultation processes which acknowledge the needs of people with psychosocial disabilities.

Mental Health Reform would like to acknowledge the support of the Disability Participation and Consultation Network (DPCN) and the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth who funded this project.

Mental Health Reform is a funded member of the DPCN which has been established by Government to ensure that people with disabilities are involved in the development of policy and legislation.


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